Chronicles - 2022

In 2022, outstanding leadership was replaced by an excelling one in an orderly democratic way. We have engaged our key partners to our independent supervisory board. The Association has become legally charitable as it has always been publicly beneficial. We had new partners to work with and raise public awareness of fungi in more areas.

We have revealed more fields of mycology to our ever-expanding audience through interactive lectures in the Mycology Department. We tried to give a lot, for example, donating a complete collection of lyophilized fungi, sharing diversity data, volunteering to share knowledge, and supporting research. Meanwhile, we have also received a lot; honest attention from the nature-enthusiast audience, questions reflecting the thirst for knowledge, trust from new partners in advance, and their appreciation later, voluntary help, support, and donations. We have grown much, with opportunities due to well-done work, joining members, committed supporters, and an expanding library. While we have been focusing on giving more and better, we gained and enriched effortlessly.

2021 has been a very successful year for us; 2022 was fantastic, and we look forward to 2023 and new opportunities.

Please support us in 2023!
